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Health Oddity Podcast

Jan 28, 2021

10 years ago pictures started to emerge on the internet of crazy 12 week body transformations. Trainers and clients alike wondered how they were achieved in such a short time span.
The man behind these, and his pupils, were also performing crazy feats of strength.
This week we talk to Paul McIlroy of The...

Jan 21, 2021

We welcome Dan John to the Health Oddity podcast & get stuck into what he’s learned over a lifetime of training, competing & over 40 years of coaching & teaching. 

The art of simplification, the benefit of deprivation, the loaded carry family, the importance of remaining strong as we age (and keeping your own teeth)...

Jan 15, 2021

It's January and EVERYONE is trying to get our attention. We're being bombarded with adverts about the next 'quick fix' and how to get everything you want by the end of January We've all fallen for these fads in the past and talk about our own mistakes and how to make sure to make the right choice for what YOU want

Jan 8, 2021

In this episode we meet Val Craft an industry veteran with over 20 years experience, a certified Strength & Conditioning Coach & Personal Trainer.
We discuss alcohol, societal attitudes towards it, habits surrounding it and when the occasional tipple may tip over into something to be aware of. A very important topic...